20 November 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...

Christmas card time! There's more of his super cute face where that came from if you want it!
Just either leave your address in the comments, or if you are worried about crazies, email your address to
Come on...You know you want to! Who doesn't like getting mail?
P.S. For those of you who have given me your address four million times, I promise I have come up with a system to make this the last time. Apparently there are these things called address books...Maybe you've heard of them?

17 November 2009

Why One is Fun!

Author's Note: Unless you like my kid almost as much as I do, you may find this post slightly boring. Consider yourself warned...

A glimpse of what Holden has been up to since turning the big oh-one!

1. Obtaining some mad standing skills, and looking pretty darn pleased with himself for doing so. Please don't ask him to take any steps however. He's not interested. And he might bite you. Hard.

2. Learning to brush his ever multiplying teeth. 3 teeth (including 2 molars) in two weeks does not a happy Holden make. Don't even think about trying to catch a glimpse at said teeth, either. He might bite you. Hard.

3. Reading his books to death. Literally. It's like a literary massacre around these parts. Hide your children's books. They shouldn't have to see such decimation.

4. Stacking anything he can get his hands on. In this particular case, it was canned goods. Next time, it will be dented canned goods.

5. Looking and acting all together too grown up.

6. And cute.

06 November 2009

Not What I Signed Up For

I had a baby instead of getting a dog specifically to avoid scenarios like this one...

Seriously, I cannot keep this kid out of the trash. What gives?!?