31 December 2008

Two Reasons I Love Direct TV

1. Whatever, Martha: on the Fine Living Network. Martha's daughter is super funny, and her friend is only slightly annoying. Plus, it is perfect for those of us (me) who, try as we (I) might, will never reach Martha's amazingness.
2. Ruby: On the Style Network (which I am pretty sure I got when I had Comcast too, but never noticed for whatever reason. ) Even though I usually watch this show while chowing down on M&M's and a big fat Diet Coke, it really is motivating and kind of sweet..PLUS, I think one of her friends on the show used to be Elizabeth Wakefield on the Sweet Valley High TV show.
And Two Reasons I DON'T Love Direct TV
1. After having Cable for the last 20 plus years of life, my sad old brain cannot learn this new channel line up, so I usually have to scroll through the guide 15 times to find my shows.
2. The DVR only records 2 shows at a time. Some of us would like to tape The Hills AND The Bachelor AND Jon and Kate Plus 8 on Monday nights, since their husband has no desire to watch any of these shows! Okay, maybe this is more an issue of me watching too much trash TV than a problem with Direct TV.

28 December 2008

Like Father Like Son

Our poor kid doesn't stand a chance, he already loves TV. I wish I could say they were staring intently at Baby Einstein teaches Farci or something, but nope. It's a hockey game.

I have a billion more Holden pictures to post. I realize I have been slacking, since the last pictures were posted when he was a month old. Hopefully they will be up in the next week or so.

Every Year....

Me (on Saturday, thinking to myself): WOW, Juliana, you are so on top of things this year!

The decorations are put away. You even remembered the Christmas books that were in your room!
The tree is all disassembled...

The boxes have been lugged up to the third floor storage closet by your exhausted husband! Christmas is officially put away!!!
(Look around to admire my amazingness and see this....)

That's right. I left the stockings hanging on the wall, right in front of my face!! Every year I forget something. Last year it was the Christmas mugs that were hiding in my cupboards. Other years it has been the Christmas books mentioned above... That's what I get for being prideful.
P.S. Please, all my crafty friends, close your eyes and pretend that you did not see my stockings hanging from nails on a bare wall. I know it is horrible but to be fair I do have a two month old child that occupies a lot of my time...... Who am I kidding, he had nothing to do with it. Amber, your job for next year is to help me think of a good way to hang my stockings that I won't be embarassed about next Christmas.

22 December 2008

Here I Go...

So, according to the previous post on our blog, I have been "tagged". Since I like to make Julie happy, I will now create my mosaic.

The Questions:
What is your first name? Reo
What is your favorite food? Steak
What high school did you go to? Viewmont
What is your favorite color? Red
Who is your celebrity crush? Daisy Fuentes (This dates back to her MTV days, when I was in jr high)
Favorite drink? Diet Coke w/Lime
Dream vacation? Disneyland (extended stay with a Kings game thrown in)
Favorite dessert? Key Lime Pie
What you want to be when you grow up? Hockey Player
What do you love most in life? Juliana and Holden
Word to describe you? Sarcastic
Your flickr name? What's That?So, just a side note, what is up with Flickr? I've never used it before, but you get some pretty weird stuff on that site.

21 December 2008

Super Fun!!

Confession....No one actually tagged me to do this. I stole it while I was blog stalking. BUT, it looked fun and it totally was! I mean, who doesn't like to look up stuff about themselves? So anyways, here is how it goes.

1. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search
2. Using only the first page, pick any image
3. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker (go to )http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php

The Questions What is your first name? Juliana
What is your favorite food? Limes
What high school did you go to?: Viewmont
What is your favorite color? Pink
Who is your celebrity crush? Rob Thomas
Favorite drink? Diet Coke (with lime of course!)
Dream vacation? Tahiti
Favorite dessert? Hula Pie From Duke's..In Hawaii
What you want to be when you grow up? A Trophy Wife
What do you love most in life? Reo, and baby Holden...Let's see what THAT pulls up in Flickr
One Word to describe you? Nonconfrontational
Your flickr name? What's That?

I now tag everyone, since I only know like 4 people with blogs. But trust me, it is fun so do it! Also, Reo this means you too, because you know you were jealous of me while I was doing this.
AND, I figured out how to do this ALL by myself with only one teensy computer question to Reo. So almost all by myself...

19 December 2008

Reo's Daily Beef - Weird Bathroom Door Edition

It's been a while since I have shared some of my daily beef. It's about time I start being angry about stuff again. Actually, this one doesn't make me mad, so much as unsettled and a little weirded out.
So, the men's bathroom at my work has an automatic door for disabled people. When inside the bathroom, if someone in a wheelchair (or a germ-a-phobe like my friend Shane) wants to exit, they push the button and the door opens automatically. This is all well and good, hooray ADA and accessibility and all that jazz. My issue here is the door's odd habit of opening by itself. What makes it weird and unsettling is that the door usually opens on its own whilst I'm using the bathroom. I won't go into specifics, but it is odd to know that anyone walking by, some ten feet from where I'm doing my business, could tell that I'm in there, doing said business. So my beef is with the door opening on its own. It's weird and creepy and it needs to stop. Although I guess it could be that the bathroom is haunted and a ghost is opening the door, in which case, I have bigger problems...

08 December 2008

Happy Happy Birthday, Reo Dear....

So, my old man husband is the big 2-6 today! So, this post is an ode to him!!


10..He loves Disneyland as much as I do, and that is hard to do!

9..Reo has extreme company loyalty to every place he as ever worked, even jobs he didn't like. There are hotel chains we cannot stay because they are "competitors", hospitals that we have to mock because they are not as good as the hospitals owned by his employer, and every time we see a certain brand of sunglasses he can spot it a mile away.

8..I am pretty sure the happiest day of his life was when he figured out that he could hold Holden and play playstation at the same time.

7..He can remember and recite every funny line from every movie or TV show he has ever seen...And he does... Frequently..

6..He gets up with Holden in the night way more than he should have to, just to be nice to me.

5..I will spend forever trying to think of and make a full out fancy dinner and he doesn't say anything, but if I make Manwich with no side dishes one night he talks about how good it is all night long. He is a man of simple tastes.

4..He makes all my phone calls for me because I hate the phone. He calls in sick to work for me and I don't think I have EVER had to call and order a pizza in my whole life.
3.. Thanks to his big bucks job (sort of), I officially got to retire last week. YAY!

2..His genes have made it so that I am pretty sure my child has an off the charts head circumference.

1..I did not even have to try very hard to find 3 pictures of him giving cheesy thumbs up! And, I could have put in like 4 more if I could figure out how to rotate my photos.

Happy birthday Reo!!!

05 December 2008

Obligatory "My Kid Is Cute" Video

So, I've had a video camera since April and a kid since mid-October. It was inevitable that the two come together at some point. That point is today.

I've figured out that if I tickle Holden's chin, I can coax him in to smiling (who knew that actually tickling a baby's chin would get results?). Unfortunately for me and my manly image (insert laugh here), getting Holden to smile also requires me to talk in baby talk and a high pitch voice. I was going to drown it out with music, but due to being too lazy to investigate copyright rules on that sort of thing, I'm letting it go.

So for your enjoyment, here is about a minute and a half of Holden smiling while I spew goofy words at him. Please refrain from mocking my baby talk. Thanks.

01 December 2008

Reo's Daily Beef: Christmas Edition...With Guest Blogger Juliana

Okay, so hopefully I don't offend anyone with this post. Let me preempt this by saying that I love Christmas music. I am one of those people who begins listening to Christmas music inappropriately too early. Usually by November 1st I am jamming out to Christmas tunes. I would probably start earlier if FM 100 played Christmas music in October.
However, my beef is this: The ridiculously obvious lyrics of the song "Mary Did You Know." It's a catchy tune, I will give you that, but really? Take the third verse for example.

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heavens perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding
Is the great I am

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Mary DID know all that. Didn't the angel Gabriel come to her and give her a heads up about what was going on? I don't know that she would have agreed to immaculate conception if she didn't have a pretty good idea of the greater purpose of it all.

Anyways, I know it is just a song, and I am not trying to be all Bah Humbug..But every time I hear that song I can't help but be slightly annoyed.