31 December 2008

Two Reasons I Love Direct TV

1. Whatever, Martha: on the Fine Living Network. Martha's daughter is super funny, and her friend is only slightly annoying. Plus, it is perfect for those of us (me) who, try as we (I) might, will never reach Martha's amazingness.
2. Ruby: On the Style Network (which I am pretty sure I got when I had Comcast too, but never noticed for whatever reason. ) Even though I usually watch this show while chowing down on M&M's and a big fat Diet Coke, it really is motivating and kind of sweet..PLUS, I think one of her friends on the show used to be Elizabeth Wakefield on the Sweet Valley High TV show.
And Two Reasons I DON'T Love Direct TV
1. After having Cable for the last 20 plus years of life, my sad old brain cannot learn this new channel line up, so I usually have to scroll through the guide 15 times to find my shows.
2. The DVR only records 2 shows at a time. Some of us would like to tape The Hills AND The Bachelor AND Jon and Kate Plus 8 on Monday nights, since their husband has no desire to watch any of these shows! Okay, maybe this is more an issue of me watching too much trash TV than a problem with Direct TV.

1 comment:

Amber said...

So we just got rid of our cable a couple weeks ago and have been trying to pick something new (Direct TV or Dish Network...) and seriously at probably the exact moment you were posting this blog I was telling Craig that I missed having real TV (right now we have about 5 channels)... so maybe Reo can give Craig a rundown on the dish options. :) I am missing Jon and Kate plus 8 especially. I can watch Hills online, but I am not sure what the deal with Bromance or the City will be (and we both know I must watch those...) OR maybe I just need a hobby.