04 January 2009

Happy Birthday Juliana!

Okay, so Juliana's birthday isn't until tomorrow, January 5th. But I wanted to post this on her birthday, but I'll be working most of the day, so I'm posting it Sunday night. Just to be clear. I know that Julie's birthday is January 5th. NOT January 4th.

Anyway, back on my birthday, Julie wrote up a very nice blog post about me. I decided I would try my hand at returning the favor. So, I bring you 10 reasons that I love Juliana:

10. She showed me how cool Disneyland is and doesn't care how nerdy I can be about it. She also LOVES the live princesses there. On one visit, three of them walked past us causing Julie to stop and audibly gasp at what she was seeing.

9. She doesn't complain when I watch Los Angeles Kings games on TV or the internet because she knows I don't get to watch them play that often.

8. She loooooves Diet Coke. When offered a choice between Diet Coke and water, I think I've heard her choose water maybe 3 times. In 9 years.

7. No matter how much I try to discredit or mock shows like The Hills, she still loves them. Now that's loyalty.

6. She doesn't care that I'm a super nerd about my video games. She is even cool with me buying a new hockey game every year, even though to her, "It looks the same as last year's."

5. She loves the color pink. Seriously. I could buy her just about anything, and if it's pink, then she's cool with it.

4. She doesn't seem to mind that I have about 100 nicknames for her. She doesn't even care when I call her booger.

3. Her new thing is telling people that she is retired. She even struck up a conversation with my grandpa about it because, you know, they're both retired

2. She takes such great care of Holden

1. She's my best friend

So Happy Birthday Julie! You really are the best!


Carly said...

Reo- you are so sweet to your wife! She is lucky!

Julie- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you ahve a great day!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday to Julie!! I hope you have the best day ever!! Hopefully it isn't being a blizzard at your house like it is at mine... It should just know not to snow because it is your birthday.

Unknown said...

Reo just blog-served me, hardcore.

shannon1975 said...


That is funny that you had a little chit chat with the gramps about your retirement. I'm sure it was quite educational for you. Maybe you two can share a tee time. LOL. Actually, I can't wait until we move so that I can be retired for a little while.

Anyway, happy birthday and we hope to be able to see you guys sometime in May or June before we leave for Japan.