28 May 2010

How I Spent My Morning

Feet up on a lawn chair, reading a book, and watching this...

Have I made you working stiffs sufficiently jealous? If it makes you feel better, we actually intended for this activity to take place last Monday, but we got this instead...

21 May 2010

If You Can't Beat 'Em...

Sick of our plans constantly being foiled, we decided we were going to the park yesterday, rain or shine. These were the results:

12 May 2010

All Blogged Out

Serves me right for blogging six, yes SIX, times in April. Because of my blogging overload I was bled dry of blogging material for May. My two and a half week old post just sat there, mocking me, until I couldn't take it anymore. Rather than doing the logical thing, and waiting it out until something blog worthy came along, I decided I must fill the void with something. This is something.

Reo is in love with the morning radio show on X96. And I mean in L.O.V.E. For future reference, if you are ever talking with Reo and he tells you that "they" said something, he means the people on the radio. Kerry, Bill and Gina are BFFs of the Mannings. Anyway, on this particular radio show, they have a segment called "Things that Must Go," where they discuss things that are especially irritating, or that "must go." I thought about doing a Things That Must Go list, but decided I was feeling entirely too positive to do such a negative post, and thought my positive energy would be better directed towards a list of "Things That Must Come Back." You know, those things that have gone away for whatever reason, and your life has never quite been the same. Being me, my list is mostly television and/or food related. That's how I roll.
Things That Must Come Back
1. Grape Bubblegum ice cream from Magie Moos. I had it the first time I tried Maggie Moos, and fell in love. I kept going back to try it again, but they never had that particular flavor. Finally, I looked on Maggie Moos website only to find that my beloved grape bubblegum flavor had been DISCONTINUED. I have (embarassingly) sent more than one email to Maggie herself, trying to get it brought back, but to no avail....I am thinking the next step is to organize some sort of letter writing campaign. Who's in? Anyone? Anyone??2. Road Rules. Because I am sick of seeing Real World people fight over nothing. I would rather see 6 people with no money in a sicko 600 sqare foot RV fight over impossible challenges. Now THAT was television!
3. Pretty much anything that I have ever truly loved from Einstein Bros Bagels, including, but not limited to, salt bagels and the yummiest chicken salad ever. You leave those pumpkin bagels alone Einstein's, do you hear me?

4. Oreo O's. Yummiest dessert ever. The End.

5. Pushing Daisies. Gone too soon. So soon that I didn't even see an episode of it before it was already off the air. Except for the one that was on in the background of my hospital room while I was gearing up for my C-section. I don't count that one. Charlotte's wardrobe was so beautiful I want to cry just thinking about it. RIP.

6. Zuka Juice. Because no matter what Reo tries to tell me, it is NOT the same as Jamba juice, plus it doesn't have the sentimental value.

7. Lauren Conrad on The Hills. Because apparently she was the voice of reason that kept everyone from going insane. Seriously, insane. Has anyone else been watching this show? It is madness!
There you have it. My list of Things That Must Come Back. Feel free to add your own in the comments, or, if you are in need of blog to blog recuscitation, do a Things That Must Come Back post of your own. I am telling you, I feel more blog inspired already.