29 May 2012

Kid Vs. Kid -- 3 Months

Pretty much for my own amusement...Here is a comparison picture of my kids at three months old.  
Holden looks much balder then I remembered when you put him right next to his sister like that...But then again, Harper looks quite a bit chubbier..Let's call it even and say they are both pretty much the cutest kids to walk the planet and call it a day.  

24 May 2012

May Days

Hello again.  It's been awhile.  I blame the fact that we were sadly, hopelessly without the internet for way too long.  Oh, also?  We were busy moving here (one of my favorite 30 by 30s so far).  Also, it does not have a bad paint job--I just blurred the address to avoid internet creepers.  You know who you are.  

Luckily, May has still been happening all around us, and I actually have taken a few pictures to document it before it slips away more than it already has.    Here's what we've been up to.

Completing at least one "art project" a day.

"Graduating" swim lessons.

Finally blessing Harper at our church.  

Having a super awesome Mother's Day involving hosting my very first dinner at our new house and sleeping in until 8:15 (I am pretty sure I scared my little sister off of motherhood for a good long time when I called that sleeping in).   Also, don't my kids look super thrilled to have me as their mom?

Playing with some of our new Besties.   Some of my favorite people have had/are having babies this year = built in BFF's for Harper.  I think I will cry when Natalie's maternity leave ends and she can't play with me all the time anymore.

And this one has been working on growing some pretty impressive fat rolls.  If you think these arm rolls are something, you should see her thighs.  They are magnificent.