31 January 2011

The Break Up

Dear January:

We are soooo over.  And it's not me, it's you.  Also, February's been calling me, and I've decided to take him back.  Statistically, he treats me marginally better than you do.  So, best wishes in your future endeavors.  I seriously hope that someday we can be friends.


Editor's Note(s):
1.  You would think that I would be over writing letters to inanimate objects/intangible things/months of the year...You know, since it is the oldest trick in the blogging book.  But I still like doing it, and it's my blog, so what I say goes.  Thank you for your patience.

2.  I can (almost) promise you that this will be the last time you hear me complain about winter...This year...I've got some tricks up my sleeve to help me get through the rest of these winter months.  More to come.

25 January 2011

Anatomy of a Sick Day

Apparently my child's misery is enough to end my blogging temper tantrum. Being sick is rough, but he does have a pretty good set-up.

And the biggest indicator we have a little sickey on our hands...

This was yesterday. Holden is in slightly better spirits today. The same cannot be said for me. I am running on 2 hours of sleep and we are out of Diet Coke. If you live around these parts, keep an eye out for my SOS signals.

10 January 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser...

By the way, I am still anxiously awaiting the day that this kid doesn't look like he is being tortured when I ask him to look at the camera.

If you hang out at our house for more than 5 minutes lately, I guarantee you will hear one of the following questions from Holden. (and probably more than once):
What is that?
Where's it from?
Who bought that for you/Where'd you bought that?
Is that Holden's?
Can I eat it? (While referring to something gross/inedible...He thinks this is hilarious.)
Who's that dude/lady?
What is that dude/lady doing?
and, the most common question of all...
Can I have frazzert (dessert)?
Seriously, people. The questions never quit. At least they haven't gotten all philosophical yet.

Also, as a side note, January is not being kind to me this year. I'm over it. If I manage to post even one more time this month it will be a miracle, so unless something crazy fun happens (or someone on The Bachelor does something I can't help but judge publicly) chances are I'll see you on the other side. Peace out.