15 January 2009

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About...

Our 3 month old (today!). In honor of a milestone that is really only of any importance to babies and their parents, I went a little crazy with picture overload, so if you are not interested in my stinkin cute baby, you might as well stop reading now!

Things Holden Can Do (Note: Pictures and words do not necessarily correspond)

*End up with half of his bottle spilled all over himself after he is done eating (in typical Wing Family fashion)
*Stare at his fist like it is the most interesting thing he has ever seen. Put it in his mouth to see if it is the most interesting thing he has ever tasted.

*Go through approximately 11 diapers a day (I think we crossed the 1000 mark last week, so hopefully you are all going green to reduce our carbon footprint)

*Does his part in reducing said carbon footprint by saving us at least one diaper a day when he decides to go to the bathroom while he has no diaper on.

*Sleep through the night...When he feels like it.

*Roll over...Forget how for a week...Roll over again.

Now, in case you can't get over what a gorgeous baby I have, I have to admit, he does have his faults. Like me, he is not the most photogenic child. Unlike me, he does not have the finger dexterity to delete unflattering pictures of himself. See for yourself....

P.S. Does anyone else feel like it takes four hours to do posts that have pictures or am I just challenged?


Carly said...

HAHA. You are so funny! He is darling, and yes even in those not so flattering pictures ;)

Amber said...

He is sooo cute! He looks great in all those outfits we went shopping for :)

Annie said...

What a handsome little guy! I remember the fist infatuation stage very well. Happy 3 months!