28 December 2008

Like Father Like Son

Our poor kid doesn't stand a chance, he already loves TV. I wish I could say they were staring intently at Baby Einstein teaches Farci or something, but nope. It's a hockey game.

I have a billion more Holden pictures to post. I realize I have been slacking, since the last pictures were posted when he was a month old. Hopefully they will be up in the next week or so.


Unknown said...

One large potato, and one small potato in training.

shannon1975 said...

My nephew is so freaking cute!

As for the couch potato-ness, remember that he grew up living in Hal's house as a teen. Between my father and our brother, I'm sure there have been more hours logged in front of the Manning family television than anywhere else in the whole house!

Poor boys didn't stand a chance.