28 December 2008

Every Year....

Me (on Saturday, thinking to myself): WOW, Juliana, you are so on top of things this year!

The decorations are put away. You even remembered the Christmas books that were in your room!
The tree is all disassembled...

The boxes have been lugged up to the third floor storage closet by your exhausted husband! Christmas is officially put away!!!
(Look around to admire my amazingness and see this....)

That's right. I left the stockings hanging on the wall, right in front of my face!! Every year I forget something. Last year it was the Christmas mugs that were hiding in my cupboards. Other years it has been the Christmas books mentioned above... That's what I get for being prideful.
P.S. Please, all my crafty friends, close your eyes and pretend that you did not see my stockings hanging from nails on a bare wall. I know it is horrible but to be fair I do have a two month old child that occupies a lot of my time...... Who am I kidding, he had nothing to do with it. Amber, your job for next year is to help me think of a good way to hang my stockings that I won't be embarassed about next Christmas.


Amber said...

Your stockings are cute!! Are they pottery barn kids, perhaps??

Juliana said...

They most definitely ARE pottery barn kids! Well, except mine is from when I was little. It has sentimental value. But Reo and Holden are Pottery Barn Kids twinners! Only $12.99..I love that place!