19 December 2008

Reo's Daily Beef - Weird Bathroom Door Edition

It's been a while since I have shared some of my daily beef. It's about time I start being angry about stuff again. Actually, this one doesn't make me mad, so much as unsettled and a little weirded out.
So, the men's bathroom at my work has an automatic door for disabled people. When inside the bathroom, if someone in a wheelchair (or a germ-a-phobe like my friend Shane) wants to exit, they push the button and the door opens automatically. This is all well and good, hooray ADA and accessibility and all that jazz. My issue here is the door's odd habit of opening by itself. What makes it weird and unsettling is that the door usually opens on its own whilst I'm using the bathroom. I won't go into specifics, but it is odd to know that anyone walking by, some ten feet from where I'm doing my business, could tell that I'm in there, doing said business. So my beef is with the door opening on its own. It's weird and creepy and it needs to stop. Although I guess it could be that the bathroom is haunted and a ghost is opening the door, in which case, I have bigger problems...


Carrie and Shane said...

Stop talking about me on your blog. You are a d-bag. It's a good thing your baby doesn't look like you.

shannon1975 said...

You are so weird/neurotic. LOL.