09 March 2009

Pick Your Battles

Sunday morning at the Manning household. Reo and Holden go into Holden's room to change him out of his pajamas (which he has spit up on). They emerge a few minutes later. Holden is wearing this delightful ensemble.

Please notice the lovely choice of an ill fitting onesie and coordinating stretchy pants. Does this outfit scream "daddy dressed me" or what?

For sake of comparison, here is an example of what Holden looks like when I dress him.

**Editor's Note: Reo would like to interject that it WAS Sunday morning, and he knew we weren't taking Holden out in public before changing him into his church clothes. True as that may be, Holden does have about 40,000 outfits in his closet that both fit and match, yet those were overlooked.


Jen said...

LOL! That is totally a Dad thing! I love it! What a cute little boy!

Amber said...

hahaha, I love it :) He looks very happy and cute in both outfits though. And I must admit I have probably worn something similar to outfit #1 on many a Sunday morning...

Lyssa said...

I'm so glad you found my blog. Michelle also gave me the address to yours. Your little guy is so adorable. I'm glad to see that things are going well for you guys. We have a "daddy dressed me" pic of Josh too. It's so funny what outfits Dad's come up with.