12 April 2009

Cake Death

Tragedy has once again touched the lives of the Manning family, at my domestically challenged hands. I was entrusted to make the dessert for Easter dinner tonight. Sadly, that led to a casualty. In situations like these, you may have heard of the 5 stages of grief. These have been adapted for the death of a lemony dessert.

DENIAL: Thinking to myself, "Yes, I have had baking failures in the past, but I have grown since then. I am a mother now, and a mother should know how to do things like bake a cake. Yes, it sounds difficult, but Easter dinner is a special occasion, so what better time to try a new recipe?" I was in denial of my domestic shortcomings, which led to this.

ANGER: This stage of grief was mostly felt by Reo. As I stood staring in shock at what was to be my first baking success in history, Reo became angry at my Bundt pan, the cooking spray I used, and the recipe in general.

BARGAINING: Bargaining is not a very effective stage of grief in cake deaths, as one can only assume that God is not interested in making a deal with me to bring my lemon cornmeal cake with a lemony glaze back to life, and it seems quite petty to even try to bargain in the first place, so I quickly moved on to.
DEPRESSION: This stage lasted the longest. I had invested at least 2 hours and an entire load of dishes in the dishwasher to this cake, so I did not take the loss easily. Tears were shed. Lots of them. Finally, I recovered.
ACCEPTANCE: Going through 4 previous stages of grief takes a while, and now it was nearing 11 PM. I was not about to attempt another recipe (with most likely similar results). So, I sucked it up and did what I could with what I had. I covered up the barren spots as much as possible, and turned the cake into what is kindly referred to at my house as a "Pac Man" cake (this is not the first time something like this has happened....)
In this particular instance of cake death, I felt it necessary to add a 6th stage of grief. I was not quite ready to forgive and forget, so I bring you

That Bundt pan will never be able to hurt me again!


Unknown said...

The cake was delicious, so all your trouble were worth while.

Amber said...

oh no! At least you turned it into a funny blog post? I think the end result was looks quite tasty, but I don't blame you for throwing the pan away, I am also an enemy of the bunt pan.

Emily Wing Smith said...

Death to the Bundt!

But I think Cami really appreciated the "C" cake, so maybe God had a hand in it after all...

Unknown said...

This post has restored my faith in blogs. Bravo, Bravo!

Shannon Martin said...

Erik laughed so hard at this that he literally spit on me.

I have had my share of domestic failures as well. Ask Reo about the time I managed to burn Jell-o, or the time I burned my own face while making french toast.

My advice is, start with cupcakes and work your way up from there. I suck at making cookies, but have been told my cupcakes are legendary.