In the spirit of all things holiday lately, we celebrated
Reo's birthday all week long this week. And seriously, if anyone deserves the birthday hoopla, it's him.
Seriously, who else do you know who wakes up at 5:30 AM, goes to work all day, studies for a million hours after work and barely has time to change his clothes before his cranky wife complains to him that she has been playing with their kid ALL DAY and needs a break.
He deserves way more than a night out at a kinda nasty bowling alley (oxymoron?), but that is what he got.
We had a good time, though, as evidenced by this picture of the back of people's heads (action shots are difficult while bowling).
And Holden totally seemed to enjoy his cheater bowling.
I enjoyed looking at Holden's teeny tiny bowling shoes.
I also enjoyed that the bowling cake I made turned out looking halfway like a bowling cake...And if you'll recall, my
track record for these things is pretty much the worst.
On the actual big day, we stuck to the basics: Presents and Cold Stone cupcakes
Holden and I also handcrafted this awesome birthday banner. No coloring session at the
Mannings is complete without Holden requesting I draw The Beatles, which is why there are four stick figures in the middle of our banner. What, you didn't recognize them? Shame on you.
We closed out the week with a joint birthday dinner at my parent's house for
Reo and Cami, who also drew the unfortunate lot of having a December birthday. Here's a picture of the birthday kids.
Oh, and we had cake again, because, well, why not?
Happy 28
th birthday,
Reo! You are pretty much awesome!