23 December 2010

The Goose Is Getting Fat

And Christmas is definitely coming at the Manning house!
December has been jam packed with festivities! Here's what we've been up to.

1. Holden has been rightly wary of Santa, both real and fake.
No pictures with real Santa because, well, look at how nervous fake Santa made him!

2.We went to the Festival of Trees, where we looked at hundreds of amazingly decorated trees. However, if you were to ask Holden what he did at the Festival of Trees, he would tell you that he watched dancers and clapped.
3. Reo and I celebrated our 2nd annual Manning Family Employee Appreciation Christmas Party, eating breakfast at the Grand America Hotel. Because let's face it, the grownups in this family worked hard this year! We documented the occasion by taking one of those awkward self portraits that really shouldn't have made it onto the blog. Oh well.
4. Those of my family members who were lucky enough to not have work/school/other lame-o time suckers made a gazillion cookies. Holden ate nearly all of them, and threw up that night. Merry Christmas.
5. Awesome friend party with the always entertaining white elephant game, lots of chatting, and getting 3 two year olds to sit and watch a movie (Toy Story 3, you produced a Christmas miracle, thank you).
Yes, folks, Christmas is getting close. I know this because the rad Christmas countdown chain Holden made in nursery no longer resembles this...
And our once full Christmas candy jar now looks like this...

1 comment:

Jen said...

So sad that we missed the party... it looks like it was fun as always. What were some of the great white elephant gifts this year?

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
Love, Rob and Jen