05 February 2009

Shout Out

Holden rarely cries. I mean, he is a baby, so he does cry, but it is not that often.
However, this is not to say that he doesn't express his displeasure with his life. Far from it. The kid can YELL! It seriously sounds like he is giving you "what for" at least once a day. He loves to tell you all about how hard his life is. Loudly. I have yet to catch such a tantrum on video, but below is the face I see each time I have angered him in some way.

Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the terrible twos. Or the teenage years.


Jen said...

I'm so glad you found me! What a cute buddy you have! Congrats! It is so fun to see what everyone's been up to. I'm happy we are blog friends now!

Amber said...

Someday when Holden can express his anger with words, he can join in with his own "Reo's rants" :)

and P.S. Holden is super cute, even when he is screaming.