12 May 2009

A Piece of Me Has Died...

I'm writing today to mourn the loss of a loved one. This person was always there, especially lately, to make me laugh. They always knew just what to say to make me feel better if I was feeling down. They were a comfort. They were a best friend. And now, they're gone...

Okay, so I am talking about a TV show. As you may have heard, Scrubs had their finale this past week. We had it on our DVR since Wednesday, but I couldn't bring myself to watch it until Sunday (you can ask Julie to verify this). Then it took me until now to gather the strength to blog about it. I've had a lot of favorite TV shows over the years: The Simpsons, Friends, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. However, none of those shows were ever as good as Scrubs, at least not to me. There is no other TV show that I could watch the same episode so close together, sometimes just hours apart due to the gift of syndication, and still have me laughing at the same jokes.
It's now over and I'll have to enjoy it only in syndication and on our DVD collection. Unfortunately for Julie, I don't think it's finale will keep me from quoting lines from the show, or watching just about any episode that is being shown on TV. So farewell my friend, 'til we meet again (probably tomorrow afternoon on Comedy Central)...
PS - Just imagine this post ending with a soft, fading out version of It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday by Boyz II Men. It will add to the sadness of the situation. Thanks.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Aw, Reo. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I still cannot watch the last episode of Friends. Tear.