05 July 2009

Obligatory 4th Of July Post

Hey Everyone, it's Holden.
I thought I would take a minute to give you some highlights from my very first 4th of July.

It started with a "patriotic" breakfast. My mom decided it was patriotic because she put blueberries in my pancake. Then I went to my very first parade. The horn on the fire truck scared me, but the rest of the parade I was pretty indifferent about.
Except for when they gave me an American flag. I liked that.

In honor of our troops, I spent much of my day perfecting my Army crawl.

There was yummy dinner at my Grandma and Grandpa's house, but no photos taken there were worthy of blog immortality. The food was good, though.

And finally, my mom and dad celebrated their freedom by hanging the mandatory "white backed" curtains they had been avoiding for so long. So there you go, Homeowners Association, the world is now safe from the dangers of non white curtains. You can rest easy at night once again.
Hope you all enjoyed the 4th as much as I did!
Love, Holden


Amber said...

BOOOO to the white curtain. But, I love Holden's hair. too cute.

Shannon Martin said...

Wow, Holden types incredibly well for a baby. No spelling errors or anything! He is obviously a genius.

I agree-BOOOOO to white curtains and home owners associations! I hate the blinds in my apartment and was told I could replace them, but that whatever I replace them with has to have a white back so they match everybody else. So, instead of having unmatching wood colored blinds I ghetto up the complex by keeping all my moving boxes on my balcony. HA!