19 September 2009

Fair-y Educational

A few things I learned at our recent trip to the Utah State Fair:

1. I no longer have a baby. I have a little boy. Look at all those teeth!
2. The state fair has it's very own vegetable freak show, which happened to be my favorite event. Check out this freak pear!
3. Sheep STINK! So do all the other animals, but not as bad. Farm animals are not my favorite...
4. Holden was inspired by the poultry building, and actually let me capture his duck face on camera...Wait, are ducks poultry?
5. 4H kids are WAY more talented and crafty than me...and also grow way better tomatoes.
6. Reo LOVES bears on scooters.
7. and funnel cake. 8. They re-use the butter for the butter cow every year...Economical? Yes. Less wasteful? Also yes. Really, REALLY gross? Totally.

9. For some reason I am not quite sure of, fanny pack vendors were out in FORCE at the fair. So if you are in need of a fanny pack update (and who isn't?) the fair is your place to be!

10. My camera does not like deep fried pickles or giant pumpkins...It broke while taking pictures of both of these things..

11. Because my camera broke, I didn't get to take nearly enough pictures of crazy fair people. But if you use your imagination, and then multiply the number of sleeveless man-vests and fun shaped belt buckles by about 12, you should have a pretty good idea.

Hope you enjoyed your lesson in Fair-ness!

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