19 February 2010


Anyone else obsessed with the Olympics?
Anyone want to come obsess with this guy?
I've had just about all the random Olympic trivia and detailed rule breakdown for each sport that I can take.
Speaking of obsession, you'll never guess what Holden's newest obsession is...

Yup. We watched two episodes just today. Holden kept pointing to the TV and saying "mmm, good!" I'll be honest, it was a welcome break from the Playhouse Disney crew.


Amber said...

The best part of Reo's Olympic obsession is that Craig picked up that very same shirt and carried around Target the other day. I think the only reason he didn't end up getting it was because we didn't find anything else we were buying, ha.

Shannon Martin said...

Reo can hang out with his nephew. Erik is OBSESSED with the olympics and is totally jealous of Reo's shirt.