05 April 2010

Best Of: Easter 2010

1. Super awesome easter basket courtesy of Mr. Easter Bunny, who is desperately hoping that Toy Story can help us move past the "all The Incredibles, all the time" phase we have been in.

2. Holden discovering the gluttonous joy that is a Cadbury Cream Egg first thing in the morning (don't worry, he wasn't allowed to finish it).

3. The excitement of participating in one's very first Easter Egg hunt.

4. The excitement of finishing the Easter Egg hunt, roughly four hours later, because the only participant needed to open and inspect each egg he found before putting it in his basket.

5. Trying to complete the world's most impossible Easter Egg shaped puzzle. You will notice I am not in this photo. I worked on that thing forever and only put 3 pieces together. Even our affectionately dubbed Puzzle Rainman Cami couldn't get it done before the night was over.

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