25 April 2010

One of the Big Kids

Holden is now a year and a half old. This is a big deal because it means that he gets to go to the nursery class at church, and I get to stop spending my Sunday chasing him up and down the halls. I got him a new outfit for his debut Sunday.Seriously, I know everyone says this about their kids, but I can't believe he is getting so old! Nursery is for kids who run around like crazy (oh wait, he does that) and kids who can talk (oh wait, does that too) and just big kids in general. I guess he's a big kid now. But not too big. He had his checkup last week and he was 32.5 inches (55th percentile) and 26 lbs 5 ounces (55th percentile). Also, his head is in the 55th percentile (I know, I don't believe it either, look at that noggin!). You can't get much more average sized than that.


Shannon Martin said...

He is so freaking cute!

jones family said...

cutest outfit EVER!!!