04 June 2010

Say No To This Kid...I Dare You

Who wants to be the disciplinarian for my child? Anyone? Because I'll be honest, between the super cute pouting and the cheeseballing, I just don't have the heart. I left the mini tantrum that followed out of the video, because some of you don't have kids yet, and I'd like you to. But even that was kind of adorable, in it's own way.

P.S. Once again, sorry about the bad quality. Steven Spielberg I am not.

P.P.S. Don't be alarmed that Holden looks like he is scratching 10,000 bug bites. That is his attempt at the sign language word for please.


jones family said...

seriously... SO CUTE!!!!! we miss you guys come play with us before we leave!!!!!

visiter check in said...

he says 'please' so well!! good job!