19 June 2010


Signs that things have gotten pretty lax at the Manning house these days:

1. The first thing Holden says to me when I go to get him out of his crib every morning is "licorice?" When I inevitably say no, he follows up with "Watch Elmo?" Depending on how early it is and just how lazy I am feeling, sometimes he wins on that one.

And also, I usually give in on the licorice later on.

Wouldn't you? Look how much he loves that stuff!

2. My cleaning closet is looking, well, unclean. At best...

3. Holden spends way too much of the morning looking like this:

The benefit of our new laid back lifestyle? We get to spend more time doing stuff like this:

Thanks for finally showing up, Summer. We are big fans.


Emily Wing Smith said...

That popsicle is teeny-tiny! I love it and want one for myself...maybe then it won't fall off the stick when I'm only halfway through.

jones family said...

Now I don't feel bad for giving Cade candy
for breakfast!