10 September 2010


Holden has graduated from this chair (please excuse the picture recycled from a previous blog post, I was too lazy to track down the hard drive with all the old photos on it). He now sits at the big kid table with his parents, where he can throw food at us from a closer range. He is enjoying himself immensely.

This chair has been welcomed into our home. We call it the Time Out chair (creative, I know).

Holden doesn't spend a lot of time in it....What's that? You think he doesn't spend a lot of time in it because he is so well behaved all the time? That's cute. You must not have spent any time at our house the last couple of days. In actuality, he doesn't spent a lot of time in it because he is too busy chasing me down doing this whenever I try to put him in time out.

Anyone want to borrow an (almost) two year old?


jones family said...

Oh my heck I can't believe he is almost two!!!
And please tell me where you got the
adorable time out chair? I want one!!

Amber said...

haha I will borrow him!! I agree we need to play soon, please :)