22 October 2010

In Other News

I know it appeared that last weekend was all Holden's birthday, all the time, but that actually wasn't the case. It was a big weekend for other reasons as well.

1. We went to a rockin' 30th birthday bash for my sister, where we dressed up in our best 80's attire, played Tetris, and sang 80's karaoke.

Holden was trying on the Terrible Twos for size that night, so I tried to bribe him into being in a good mood with endless Fun Dip...It almost worked.

2. My brother came home from his LDS mission. He spoke in church, and we had a little shindig at my parent's house afterwards. I didn't take pictures of the event (what else is new), but here is a sa-weet picture of him before he left sporting his pre-mission 'stache.

3. One of my very favorite shows started again! As far as I'm concerned, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team is the only good thing to come out of football season.

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