10 April 2011

No Vacancy

Holden's crowd of bedtime buddies is getting a little excessive.    It may not look like much, but there are 6 big stuffed animals, 4 mini stuffed animals, 2 tiny plastic Elmos, 2 pillows and one wooden hockey playing figure named "daddy." And don't try to put him in bed without a single one of those friends, because it won't happen.  This is the bain of my existance when it comes to those stupid 2 inch high Elmos. 

Add to that my 32 pound kid, his blanket and at least 3 books and you have a problem.
I see a transition to a big kid bed in the near future. 
Heck, I see a transition to a king sized bed in the near future. 
Either that or we are going to have to initiate some Bachelor style rose ceremonies around here....I seriously hope those Elmos get cut on the first night.

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