06 July 2011

How Our Fourth Flew By

Honestly?  Our 4th of July was probably spent the same way 99 percent of the rest of the country spent their 4th of July, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

    1.  We went to a parade.  Last year, the fact that we were at a parade was enough to make Holden clap his guts out.  This year, Holden discovered that people throw candy and it about gave him an aneurysm.  Stakes are high for next year.

2. You know how I really like to pick out Holden's Easter outfit?  Well, Reo feels just as strongly about a perfect 4th of July shirt.  He was very pleased with his choice this year.

3. I have been promising Holden for months that when it was July we would play with water balloons.  He has since asked daily whether it is July yet, so I decided to finally fulfill my promise.  And by fulfill, of course I mean pawned the task off on my brother.

4.  We attended multiple extended family gatherings.   One of which went entirely unphotographed (by me, other, more ambitious people were taking photos).  The other went pretty much unphotographed by me except for this photo.

5.  The one thing I didn't do that the rest of you probably did?  Fireworks.  Holden and I have bedtimes that we both hold very dearly.  Holden did burn through about 40 sparklers at the unphotographed event mentioned above, so imagine you see a really cute picture of Holden not getting burned (hallelujah) here.

6.  And as always, we stayed well hydrated throughout the weekend.

Don't worry haters---it was caffeine free. 

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