21 November 2011

Free to be Three

Holden has been three for a good month now, so I figured I was overdue for one of those cheesy growing up posts I like to do every once in a while.  Thanks for indulging me.

The biggest difference between two year old Holden and three year old Holden is that he is starting to assert his independence.   Despite the bad rap of the "terrible twos,"  Holden really didn't care too much about testing boundaries or doing things his way.  Now he does, by the way.  Now he does big time.  But when I think about it, I can't blame him too much.  He has a lot to catch up for.  He turned 11 while I wasn't looking.


The Stats:
37.5 inches (50th percentile) (more importantly, only 2.5 inches away from riding all the good rides at Disneyland).
34 lbs 3 oz (75th percentile).

The Things He Likes:
Quarter Machines
Having unintelligible conversations with Siri (the creepy robot lady on my cell phone).
Playing Plants Vs. Zombies

The Things He Doesn't Like:
Eating Dinner
Going To The Dentist  (He hasn't actually been yet, by the way, nor does he have any upcoming appointments, but he tells me pretty much daily that he doesn't want to go, so I am expecting THAT to be a treat when the time comes).
Santa's Beard

Funny/Weird/Random Stuff He's Been Saying Lately:

Me:  What are you doing?
Holden:  Just talking to Siri!

Holden:  Is your cell phone in here, by chance?

Me:  Holden, do you have to go potty?
Holden:  Don't tell me if I need to poop!

Holden:  Does the baby have any toys or anything in your belly?

So there you go, a little snapshot of Holden's third year thus far.  Hope you weren't too bored.

1 comment:

Cami Wing said...

Julie!!! WE laughed so hard!! I love it! Also that picture is to die for... we have to get a copy (if they are available :)