30 August 2012

Presented in Pretend Polaroids.....

Harper at six whole months!
Here's what's up with our little Harps, Harpsichord, Chubber, Frazzletoe (yes, that one is sticking...)  

She's reluctantly mastering her sitting up skills.  She can last a good 30 seconds, but would much rather be perfecting her crawling.  When my iPhone is in sight she'll lunge for that thing with army crawling skills that Holden didn't manage until he was many months older.   I must not have done a good enough job explaining that she is skipping my favorite part of babyhood.  I like to call it the lazy stage, because I can be a much lazier parent during this part.  You know, the part where she can sit up in shopping carts so that I can stop lugging around my biggest enemy, her giant carseat,  but also can't get anywhere without my help.  Yeah, I don't think that stage is going to work for very long with this one.  No free rides here.

She's still rocking mounds and mounds of hair.  And it is getting more and more difficult to manage.. Especially when Reo gives her crazy hair at bathtime.  I know, right?  Wahh, my baby has sooo much glorious hair.  Cry me a river.

Speaking of bathtime, she totally digs it.  Especially right before she goes to bed.  For the first time.  Home-girl is not at all interested in sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  Even with Reo taking on some of the night shifts we are still bordering zombie apocalypse around here some days.

Also, despite the fact that she gives you major stink eye when you eat people food in front of her (as pictured below), she is indifferent at best about baby food.  Even the good stuff. (For reals, guys, just try to tell me baby food pears aren't delicious.  Just try.)

Favorite thing about Harper right now?  She loooves her toys...And in this case, her friend Culver's toy. Look at the intensity of her love.  It's almost frightening.

Finally, she continues to be a big ball of chubby goodness.  I can't get enough of all 26.5 inches (67th percentile) and 19lbs 4oz (92nd percentile) of her.

1 comment:

Shannon Martin said...

My Niece is the cutest little chubster I have ever seen! I have got to get to Utah to see this baby with quickness!