12 January 2014

I'm Feeling 22

22 months that is. Harper is right smack dab in the middle of one of my favorite ages...so far.  And since I haven't been too diligent at updating her little life on the blog, I thought now would be as good a time as any for a Harper update.  Adorable pictures included, of course.  These pictures will lead you to believe that I never do Harper's hair.  This is only partly true.  The real problem is I never do it well enough for it to last all day.  Judge if you must.  

Some things Harper loves: 
Her binkie-- (hands down she loves that binkie more than anything else, most likely including her family members).
Singing--She can pick up a tune like nothing I've ever seen and sings more frequently than she speaks.  Reo is about ready to give up his retirement plans and bank on her making it big.  
Soda ( "oda") and snacks
Wearing her tutu
Brushing her teeth

Some things Harper doesn't love:
Food that's not "oda" or snacks....We're working on it.
Being left in a room alone
Sleeping in

Basically she's adorable and she has this whole family wrapped around her little finger.  Every day when she gets dressed she immediately asks to go show Holden how cute she looks.  He lovingly obliges.  Because of this, she forgives him when he shoves her off the couch for messing with his game of Minecraft.  True sibling love between those two.

1 comment:

Cami Wing said...

Oh my goodness! Harper is ADORABLE!!! And like always, your blog left us laughing! Thanks for always making your blog so fun and filling it with adorable people!