22 October 2008

Reo's Daily Beef - It Begins

So, Julie and I (along with her sister and brother in law) have joked about me posting a blog with my "Daily Beef". I know it seems unlike me, but sometimes, things tend to get on my nerves. Crazy, right? Well, now that we have a blog, I finally have an outlet for all this "beef". Unfortunately, Julie won't allow me to post these things daily, for fear that it would make our blog seem something akin to "Creed Thoughts". But, I can post these gems occassionally, so here we go.

Yesterday was the first day of early voting in my area. I figured that since I have the day off, and since I despise crowds, I thought I would vote early and get it out of the way. No big deal, right? Wrong, and here comes my beef: Old people who door bust on early voting day. I had to wait for 5 minutes just to get in the parking lot of our library. Then, I had to wait as the droves of elderly folks shuffled across the driveway and into the library. Since I had already waited 10 minutes just in my car, I made the U turn and got out of there. After all, I do have a new son to get back too, plus, I'm very impatient.

There is nothing wrong with old people wanting to vote. I'm all for it. But really? Did all these people need to be at the polling place right when the polls opened on the first day? Don't they know that I can't normally participate in these things because I'm not yet at retirement age? Perhaps not. Either way, today's (or technically, yesterday's) beef is old people door busting the polls on early voting day.


Amber said...

hahaha... oh snap! I am sure you will see a very similar post on our blog. We are going to early vote on Friday and believe or not Craig loves crowds about as much as you do, so if we encounter a similar situation, you might be reading a very similar blog post from Craig the next day...

Unknown said...

I'll be complaining on actual voting day, because our dumb A county is slow as crap getting my voter registration (that I mailed in 2 months ago) processed! They probably lost it like every other government related thing I do.