15 November 2010

What I Like About Two

Holden has been two for a month now. Although I definitely can see why these are called the Terrible Twos, for the most part I am really enjoying my kid these days. Here's why:

The giantness of his babyhood has balanced out. As of now he is 34.5 inches (60th percentile) and 30 lbs (75th percentile). Still not a shrimp by any means, but my arms are thankful he is no longer a 99th percentile kind of kid. Especially because he has realized that walking is the pits and has reverted to wanting to be carried everywhere.

Seeing Holden learn new things is remarkable. Seeing him learn new things incorrectly is just funny. For instance, this is how he counts. 1-10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 17 and then 19 and 17 repeat themselves until you tell him he can stop counting.

He talks. A lot. And he and I have some pretty interesting conversations.
Holden: I play in cupboards?
Me: No, we aren't playing in cupboards right now.
Holden: I'm so excigeg to play in cupboards. Good choice!

Other favorites: "How's your day, mama?" and "It's okay to poop."

He does not understand the concept of playing independently. Sometimes I don't find this so endearing, particularly when I want to drink a Diet Coke or go to the bathroom, but him forcing me to play with him at all times forces me to stop and enjoy him while he still wants me around.

And now for what I DON'T like about two. I searched through every single picture I have taken of Holden since his birthday and I found these three that were acceptable. And by acceptable I mean he was A) looking at the camera, and B) not crying. My standards are not high. You may or may not be getting Christmas cards this year if this keeps up. Or maybe you'll get one with a photo of just me and Reo on it.

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